Join us on our journey to transform care.

Clairity is looking for mission-driven, thoughtful, motivated individuals to become integral players on our team. We are committed to mentoring and growing our employees while offering them the autonomy and responsibility to have a major impact. Our work environment is flexible, but our community is bonded by the exhilaration we feel as we work together to empower patients and change the way care is delivered around the globe.

Clairity supports diversity, equity and inclusion both in our solutions and as we grow our organization. We actively encourage people of color, humans of all genders, members of the LGBTQ+ community, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and all other beautifully diverse people on this planet to apply.

Open Positions

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Clairity is seeking a Senior Software Engineer to help advance our mission of revolutionizing healthcare. With an initial focus on breast cancer screening, we build mammography-based machine learning (ML) applications that accurately predict the risk of cancer, personalize the plan of care, cultivate trust, and save lives. We want to expand our team with someone who shares our appreciation for the rapidly evolving power of big data and machine learning, and who enjoys bringing to production state-of-the-art applications to solve novel real-world healthcare problems.

The Sr. Software Engineer will be a key contributor of the Engineering organization. This individual with versatile software engineering skills and technical leadership abilities will be responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of state-of-the-art ML-based cloud applications and will assist in the integration of these applications into customers’ clinical workflow. The Sr. Software Engineer will work closely with other Software engineers, ML engineers, SQA engineers, product managers as well as customers and data partners to develop commercial-grade cloud applications.

The ideal candidate will have a strong background in API development, cloud computing, big data software technologies applied to ML pipelines as well as experience in software reliability. The ideal candidate should be comfortable building software for a production environment to support ML applications as a medical device. He or she will have a strong understanding of data structures, best software development practices, and software architecture. The ideal candidate is a team player, highly motivated self-starter, accountable, committed to high quality deliverables, and enjoys working in a fast-paced environment.

Founded in 2020 by Santé Ventures and Dr. Connie Lehman, the Head of Breast Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital, Clairity is located in Austin, TX. The location of the position is flexible within the United States, with the ability to work remotely from home.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Participate in the full software development life cycle from requirement analysis through test, release, and maintenance.
  • Cultivate a culture of honest feedback and learning.
  • Design, document, and demonstrate solutions by developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code.
  • Assist in the improvement of data ingestion.
  • Develop software applications to help curate, transfer, and de-identify medical imaging datasets.
  • Integrate logging, metrics, tracing tools to meet our observability goals.
  • Participate in developing APIs, integrations, and libraries that support our ML-based applications.
  • Assist with the performance optimization of applications (latency, scalability).


  • 5+ years of experience in the following:
    • Software development in regulated environments such as Healthcare IT and Medical Imaging that conform to standards such as HIPAA and SOC2
    • Building systems that demonstrate Well Architected Cloud Principals on AWS or other major cloud providers
    • Advanced proficiency in a programming language such as Python, Go, Java, or C++
    • Agile Development methodology
    • Working with medical communication standards such as DICOM and HL7 standards


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or other advanced technical degree preferred.


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Clairity is seeking a Principal Machine Learning (ML) Engineer to lead our efforts in revolutionizing healthcare through innovative medical imaging solutions. With a primary focus on advancing breast cancer screening, we are dedicated to developing cutting-edge machine learning (ML) technologies that accurately predict cancer risk, tailor personalized care plans, foster trust, and ultimately save lives. We are looking for a dynamic technical leader who shares our passion for machine learning to address real-world healthcare challenges and with strong experience of bringing state-of-the-art algorithms into production environments and monitoring ML models while in use by customers.

The Principal Machine Learning Engineer will play a pivotal role in contributing to the model development, deployment, scaling, and maintenance of advanced ML solutions, while also participating to the improvement of our ML development and production pipelines. This role will involve close collaboration with research partners, data engineers, ML engineers, software engineers, and clinical experts to deliver robust ML solutions that meet stringent regulatory standards.

The ideal candidate will possess robust expertise in developing, optimizing, deploying, and monitoring machine learning models tailored specifically for medical imaging applications. Moreover, they will demonstrate a proven track record in delivering FDA-compliant machine learning solutions within dynamic, high-pressure environments. The ideal candidate is a humble technical leader and team player with a can-do attitude, demonstrated ownership, accountability, and commitment to high quality deliverables.

Founded in 2020 by Santé Ventures and Dr. Connie Lehman, the Head of Breast Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital, Clairity is in Austin, TX. The location of the position is flexible within the United States, with the ability to work remotely from home.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Provide technical leadership and support to the ML engineers and foster a collaborative and high-performing team culture.
  • Develop, deploy, and maintain state-of-the-art computer vision models for breast cancer risk prediction.
  • Assist in the improvement of the Company’s ML development and production pipelines.
  • Conduct model validation in collaboration with academic and clinical partners.
  • Provide scientific assistance for regulatory submissions and compliance efforts.
  • Contribute to peer-reviewed publications and generate Intellectual Property materials to advance scientific understanding and innovation in the field.

Requirements (Essential)

  • 3+ years of experience as a technical ML engineering leader to successfully develop, deploy and deliver FDA-grade models in a regulated environment.
  • 5+ years of experience in ML development within a corporate environment, preferably in the healthcare or medical imaging domain.
  • 5+ years of developing Computer Vision ML models (deep learning and image processing) for image analysis, image segmentation, image classification and image prediction tasks.
  • Track record of publications and innovations in ML and/or Software as a Medical Device using Machine Learning.
  • Practical experience of the following technologies:
    • ML architectures: CNN, Vision Transformers, large vision models
    • ML toolkits: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, scikit-learn
    • Cloud: ML Managed services, preferably on AWS
    • ML: TensorFlow, SageMaker Pipelines, TensorFlow Serving
    • Databases: data warehouse and relational databases
    • Deployment: Gitlab, Docker containers, AWS CodePipeline
    • Pipeline orchestration: AWS Step Functions, Airflow, MLFlow
    • Application exchange: REST API, JSON
    • Programming languages: Python (strong programming skills)
    • Software tools: Git, GitHub, JIRA, Confluence

Requirements (Preferred)

  • Prior experience of implementing orchestration workflow solutions.
  • Understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for software medical devices.
  • Experience in version control of ML models (code, data, config, model) and model registries.
  • 5+ years of experience using C++ and CUDA.


  • Undergraduate degree in Computer Science or Engineering. Master’s degree or PhD in computer science or engineering preferred.


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Clairity is seeking an experienced Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Data Engineer to help advance our mission of revolutionizing healthcare. With an initial focus on breast cancer screening, we build mammography-based machine learning (ML) applications that accurately predict the risk of cancer, personalize the plan of care, cultivate trust, and save lives. We want to expand our team with someone who shares our appreciation for the rapidly evolving power of big data and machine learning, and who enjoys bringing to production state-of-the-art applications to solve novel real-world healthcare problems.

The successful candidate will have a deep understanding of data architecture, machine learning deployment pipelines, and cloud computing technologies. He or she will be responsible for designing and implementing robust, scalable data and model maintaining systems within an AWS cloud ecosystem that support training and deploying machine learning models in production. The ideal candidate has excellent problem-solving and analytical skills, and is a team player, highly motivated self-starter, detailed-oriented with demonstrated ownership, accountability, and commitment to high quality deliverables.

Founded in 2020 by Santé Ventures and Dr. Connie Lehman, the Head of Breast Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital, Clairity is located in Austin, TX. The location of the position is flexible within the United States, with the ability to work remotely from home.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Design, build, and manage data pipelines to support machine learning workflows.
  • Lead the implementation of tools for data management, data analysis and visualization.
  • Develop and maintain a robust data architecture to support our growing data needs.
  • Ensure data governance and compliance with relevant standards and regulations.
  • Work with our AWS managed services to ensure optimal performance, cost-effectiveness, security, and make training more efficient.
  • Build and manage the deployment, automated monitoring, maintenance, and continuous improvement of our machine learning models in production.
  • Design, implement and document standardized ML processes for ML Lifecycle Management, Data Versioning, Model Versioning and Iteration, Model Monitoring and Management, Model Governance, Model Security, and Model Discovery.

Requirements (Essential)

  • 5+ years in a data engineering role with a focus on machine learning or data science.
  • 5+ years of AWS managed services.
  • 3+ years of MLOps tools and methodologies, including CI/CD, Continuous Training, Serving and Monitoring pipelines for ML solutions in different environments such as dev, test, staging, pre-production, and production.
  • 3+ years of developing ML batch and online prediction workflows.
  • Experience of implementing ML model monitoring in production.
  • Experience in version control of ML models (code, data, config, model) and model registries.
  • Practical experience of the following technologies:
    • Data warehouse: Spark, Snowflake, Databricks.
    • Relational databases: SQL.
    • ETL: AWS Athena, AWS Glue.
    • AWS Managed services: S3, Redshift, RDS, EMR, Lambda, SageMaker.
    • ML: TensorFlow, PyTorch, SageMaker Pipelines, SageMaker Studio, TensorFlow Serving.
    • Pipeline orchestration: Airflow, MLflow, Dask.
    • Model deployment: GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes.
    • Model monitoring: AWS CloudWatch, Grafana, Prometheus, Elastic.
    • Scripting languages: Python, SQL.

Requirements (Preferred)

  • Experience of developing medical imaging data pipelines.
  • Knowledge of medical imaging standards: DICOM, HL7.
  • Familiarity with ML-specific monitoring tools such as Fiddler, Arize, or WhyLabs is a plus.
  • Experience of progressive delivery such as A/B testing, Canary deployment, and multi-armed bandit.


  • A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, or a related field. A Master’s degree is a plus.
  • AWS Certified Big Data or AWS Certified Machine Learning would be a strong asset.

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Clairity is seeking an experienced Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) to help advance our mission of revolutionizing healthcare. With an initial focus on breast cancer screening, we will build mammography-based machine learning (ML) solutions that accurately predict the risk of cancer, personalize the plan of care, cultivate trust, and save lives. We want to expand our team with someone who shares our appreciation for the rapidly evolving power of big data and machine learning, and who enjoys bringing to production state-of-the-art applications to solve novel real-world healthcare problems.

We are seeking a highly skilled, experienced SDET Engineer to join our dynamic and growing team. In this role, you will work closely with our development team to design and implement testing strategies, and to ensure the robustness and reliability of our ML-powered cloud-based product.

The ideal candidate will have strong skills in software development and software test automation. He or she is a team player, highly motivated self-starter, detailed-oriented with demonstrated ownership, accountability, and commitment to high quality deliverables.

Founded in 2020 by Santé Ventures and Dr. Connie Lehman, the Head of Breast Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital, Clairity is in Austin, TX. The location of the position is flexible within the United States, with the ability to work remotely from home.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Work closely with the development team to understand the architecture of our AI-based platform and devise effective test strategies and plans.
  • Design and implement Unit, Component, and Integration tests of ML infrastructure code.
  • Integrate unit/component/integration/system testing into a CI/CD system (CircleCI preferred).
  • Design and implement End-to-End tests (AWS Lambdas, ML Model experiments).
  • Identify, analyze, and document any bugs or defects found during testing.
  • Review and analyze system specifications and collaborate with developers to understand how changes in the software affect maintenance of test scripts and the testing environment.
  • Implement automated tests to ensure high-quality product delivery while maintaining velocity.
  • Participate in code reviews and provide input on coding standards and code improvements.
  • Advocate for test priorities in daily scrum meetings and sprint planning.
  • Create detailed, comprehensive, and well-structured test plans and test cases.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure the software meets regulatory standards and requirements.

Requirements (Essential)

  • 5+ years of software engineering background, with proficiency in programming languages such as Python, and experience with SW testing tools and frameworks, ML frameworks, containerization technologies, CI/CD tools, and cloud platforms, preferably AWS.
  • 5+ years of experience automating component and integration tests via CI/CD infrastructure, in particular integrating unit / component / integration / system testing into a CI/CD system.
  • 3+ years of experience with Agile/Scrum development methodologies.
  • 3+ years of hands-on experience with big data tools and technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, and Hive, along with experience in managing and deriving insights from large, complex datasets.
  • 3+ years of Data Management, including how to handle large datasets and working with different database systems.
  • Proficiency in at least one machine learning framework (TensorFlow, PyTorch).
  • Proficiency in Git and Python.

Requirements (Preferred)

  • Proven experience as a SDET in the medical imaging or healthcare industry
  • Familiarity with the concept of quality gates would be a plus.
  • Knowledge of medical imaging standards: DICOM, HL7.
  • Familiarity with black box and white box testing methods for Computer Vision models.


  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field.

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